Edition: 210 copies
Markings: Numbered
Technique: Screenprint
Colours: 6
Paper: Lynx Opaque white 100lbs
Size: 18 x 24 inches
Manufacturer: D&L Screenprinting
Description as per Rhys Cooper: "I came across Chan-wook Park's dark and twisted masterpiece "Oldboy" as I was channel surfing late one night. I'd just fallen across the infamous hammer / teeth scene only to be followed by the even more incredible and iconic hallway fight scene. After seeing these, my mind fully blown, I turned off the tv, it was enough for me to hunt down and buy the dvd the next day.
For the concept and design of my Oldboy poster I really wanted to capture what had become of Oh Dae-Su as his life and sanity had been pushed to its limits, to the point where even his grips on his humanity come into question.
Fans of the film should pick up on the numerous references and clues while hopefully, as all good posters should, it encourages those who haven't seen it to seek it out and experience it. But be warned, don't fall in too deep."